Planning Based on the 3 Strongest
Moves in Chess

Fred Reinfeld once said, "The 3 strongest moves in chess are checks, capture and pawn promotion." I could not agree more. If your opponent can make one of these 3 moves, there's a pretty good chance they will be included in his plan. They are strong in that if you answer them insufficiently, you lose material. It is therefore important to always run through their possibilities. Is there a check? Can he capture one of your pieces? Can he create a dangerous passed pawn? Any of these 3 can show up while you're in the middle of the game so don't forget to check for them first.

  1. Main Page
  2. Planning in Chess

    a. Based on the 3 Strongest Moves in Chess - checks, capture, and pawn promotion
    b. Based on The Existence of a Combination
    c. Based on The Pawn Structure
    d. Based on The Mobility & Cooperation of Pieces

"The 3 strongest moves in chess are
checks, capture and pawn promotion."

- Fred Reinfeld

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